By using the same scenario of Problem-Based Learning such in my previous teaching material @ PBL Electrical Energy Power & Efficiency , I implement this lesson to my 3 Lily and 3 Orchid as part of their Project-Based Learning (which Problem Based Learning is a subset of the Project- Based Learning for PT3 assessment)
THEME: Energy and Sustainability
Activity 6.11
To audit the cost of electrical energy used at home as a way of saving electrical energy
Teaching aids:
Textbook, reference book, internet, Electricity bills, manila card and marker pen
Cross-curricular element: Science and Technology, Environmental studies
Moral values: Helpful, diligent, responsible, thankful and cooperation
21st-century Learning: Problem-Based Learning
Thinking skills: HOTS: applying, analyzing and evaluating
T & L evaluation: Presentation, Group work and Project-Based Learning
The pictures below were during the presentation of 3 Orchid:
1. The unit of electrical energy was repeatedly pronounced as Kilowatt per hour.
2. The power of night light is too big
3. The
The first 200
Next 100 unit = RM 0.334
Another 300 unit = RM 0.514
So they need to REVISE their calculation and report that in their Project-Based Learning group report.
WHILE IN THE OTHER HAND, the struggle is real with 3 Lily
1. Challenge in converting number from Watt to kW
2. Challenge in converting time from minutes to hour .
3. In interpretation of RM0.218 and 21.8 cents to calculate for cost