Sunday 16 August 2020

KWL Chart: A classroom Application

 Assalamualaikum and have a good day everyone.

In my previous Project-Based Learning, students were assigned to complete a KWL chart.

What is the K-W-L chart?

KWL chart is a strategy tool for the purpose of gaining new information. It elicits students' prior knowledge and gives a purpose for reading. Research shows that the KWL chart is used not only for reading for comprehension but also in the construction of the Physics concept.[1]

(i)   K - Know. Information from the passage (of the open-ended question) or students' prior knowledge.

(ii) W - Wonder / Want to Know. Question mark (?) Before the adaptation of the new information/knowledge. Things that students wonders.

(iii) L - Learn. Information/ new knowledge adapted or discovered by research

For example:

A Problem-Based Learning; an open-ended question on the Cost of Electricity.

The KWL chart:

Remember that in PBL, the teacher's task is as the manager who guides the students by projecting questions and not to give the answer. Students are responsible to search for the information, subsequently, find the solution to the problem. Encourage students to brainstorm their idea.

For example in column K, ask students "Tell me everything you know about...."  / "What makes you think that......"

In column W, ask question as "what do you want to learn in this topic?"  They will answer "I want to know how.." /" I wonder why.."/ "I know that .... but what about".. Let them ask questions until they run out of idea for question.

In column L, students consult other resources to find the answers that were not answered in the text. They can even write anything that they found interesting.

The methods and usage of KWL chart should be valued as it helps to enhance students' comprehension in reading scientific text.


1. ZOUHOR, Z., JAŠKOV, M., & BOGDANOVIĆ, I. (2016). THE EXAMPLES OF PHYSICS CONCEPTS FORMATION BY THE USE OF KWL STRATEGY. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences4, 162-164.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Designing a Project-Based Learning (PBL - 2) for Physics Form 4 KSSM: Heat

 Assalamualaikum wbt and hi everyone.

As soon as we finished the assessment of PBL 1, we continue to our next PBL for semester 2 in the chapter of HEAT. 

Ministry of Education (MOE) through curriculum specification suggests a Project-Based Learning for Form 4 students and one of them is in the chapter of Heat. The instruction was given in the textbook. Thus, I provided my students with a handout that consists of the instruction together with the rubric of assessment.

Rubrics are given early before the students start their project so that they aware of the criteria being assessed. Once again, Peer assessment is part of the assessment for the PBL 2



Thinking Strategy: Problem-Solving

Element across the curriculum: Environmental Sustainability Awareness, Science & Technology and Creativity & Innovation, ICT, Global Sustainability.

HOTS: Critical thinking skill, Reasoning thinking skill, Thinking strategy

Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values: Interest and Curious about the Environment, Flexible and open minded, Diligent and persistent when carrying tasks, Collaborate.



Peer Evaluation Form









Research is thoroughly and content related to the greater issue and the specific project need

Research is adequate and addresses content related either the greater issue or the specific project need

Research is inadequate or does not address content related to the greater issue and/or specific project needs



Writing is full of creative, original ideas that support the main issue and make it interesting. Ideas are organised and supported by evidence

Writing is expressed clearly. The main idea is supported with details. Most of the details related to the main ideas

Writing is difficult to follow with no clear main ideas and details that don’t match the idea.



The project shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and idea are fresh.

Develop sustainability thinking

The project shows some evidence of originality and inventiveness.

Develop a few of sustainability thinking

There is little or no evidence of fresh thought.

Did not develop sustainability thinking



All messages are clear and thoughtful, presented with confidence and poise. The audience can easily follow the information and thinking. Students listen actively and responding appropriately

Some messages are clear and thoughtful, presented with some confidence and poise. The audience can follow most of the information. Students listen actively and responding appropriately

Messages are unclear or lacking thought and presented without confidence or poise. The audience has difficulty following information and thinking. Students do not listen actively or respond appropriately



There is clear evidence of quality collaboration among all members of the team resulting in a superior project overall.

There is some evidence of collaboration among members of the team resulting in a good project overall.

There is little or no evidence of collaboration among members of the team resulting in a project that is clearly the work of one or a few members. The team member was fired.

This assessment is just an idea from me and of course, you can generate your own version of rubrics according to the criteria that you want to assess.

Hopefully, my sharing would benefit the teachers in terms of assigning the Project-Based task and plan for the assessment of students' work.

I would appreciate any comments for improvement. Thank you.

Thursday 13 August 2020

Designing a Project-Based Learning (PBL -1) for Physics Form 4 KSSM; Water Bottled Rocket.

 Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

Today, I would like to share on how I planned for my Project-Based Learning for one of the assignments in Physics KSSM Form 4 which starts in the year 2020.

 The most epic 😊


Before I share the assignment which I crafted for my students, let us reflect on what is PBL and why PBL in my previous Entry. Project-Based Learning.

In PBL, the role of the teacher is as a task setter [1]

The instruction is in the simplest form which already in the textbook Chapter 2 Newtonian Mechanics page 63 [2]

 A short briefing before the activity
Videos on Pre-launched of the water bottle rocket

Good job Kelly n team!

Great effort Tharishna and co.!                 

Two timers were set for the time of taken from the moment the rocket launch until it touches the ground

The students were assigned to build the water rocket and the assessment are based on 3 criteria as described:
A. Design of the water rocket and Flight ability during the launching
B. Report writing on the information, design,  improvement after the pre-launched and the ability of the water rocket to launch and fly. 

I will explain further each of the criteria above.

For criteria A, designing the rocket, students are giving room to work on their own and design their rockets. Every part of the rocket design is with their purpose and can be explained by theory related to the Physics concept they have learned in Newtonian Mechanics (I wouldn't give any idea on what theory related to the rocket unless the student comes n see me privately). I suggest that students collaborate with their group members and find the information independently.

When the rocket is ready, pre-launched were held to test the ability of the rocket to fly. The amendment is made and the rocket is improved from the observation of the way the rocket took off (angle, pressure etc), the way the rocket speed up in the air until it the gravitational force pulls it back to the Earth. The students need to discuss in their group and present a better water bottled rocket for D-day of launching.

For Report Writing, these are my suggestion on what should the students have in their report:
1. Acknowledgment 
2. Gantt chart
3. Contents 
4. Introduction
5. Theory
6. K-W-L chart
7. Materials
8. Step by step procedure to build the water rocket
9. Safety precaution
10. Cost / data/ Graph/ Tables
111. Report on Pre-launching. Time is taken from the time the rocket is launched until it falls and touches the ground. Modification made after the pre-launched.
12. Summary

The teacher will prepare the Rubric for PEER ASSESSMENT. btw, what is the rubric? Click here.

Another example of the rubrics for peer assessment can be view here: Rubric 1 

In order to assess students' collaboration, I prepared the self-assessment form for the students to fill in.

At the end of the lesson, students will experience:

1. Introduction and team planing the project - Brainstorming idea
2. Initial research phase in term of gathering information 
    - Internet (blogs, youtube videos)
3. Creation, development, Initial evaluation of presentation and prototype artifacts  
    - development phase / pre-launching
4. Second research phase - improvement and launching
5. Final presentation development - Presentation, Peer Assessment
6. Publication or product artifacts - Report writing and Assessment

Happy Rocketing! 🚀

1. Anazifa, R. D., & Djukri, D. (2017). Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning: Are They Effective to Improve Student's Thinking Skills?. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia6(2), 346-355.
2. Physics Form Four Textbook, Sasbadi Publication.

What is Project-Based Learning?

Assalamualaikum wbt and hi everyone.  

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

What is PBL?

Project-Based Learning is an active student center form of instruction that is characterised by students' autonomy, constructive investigations, goal-setting, collaboration, communication, and reflection within real-world practices. [3]

Why PBL?

The study from 1998 to 2017 were analysed representing 2 12,585 students from 189 schools in nines SEA countries show that PBL has a medium to large positive effect on students' academic achievement compared with traditional instruction. [3]

PBL not only equip students with knowledge but also improve their problem-solving skill,  critical and creative skill, lifetime learning, communication skill, teamwork, adaptation to changes and self-evaluation. [4]

The difference in Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning  can be assessed based on knowledge organisation, the form of knowledge, the role of the students, the role of the teacher and the type of activity undertaken during learning activities.

In Project-Based Learning, the assignment has been arranged in such a way by teachers (tutor set or structured tasks). Knowledge form and practical.

The role of the teacher is as a task setter and project supervisor. Role of students as completer of project or member of the project team that develops solution and strategy.

Learning activities focus on problem-solving activities and problem management.

Projects assigned to students give students to design and develop products accordingly to their expectations so that one group and another group have different results.

Students are able to make a good report, which consists of title, purpose, theory, tools and materials, procedure, results, discussion and conclusion. [1]

Procedure in Project-Based Learning [1]:
1. Introduction and team planing the project
2. Initial research phase in term of gathering information
3. Creation, development, Initial evaluation of presentation and prototype artifacts
4. Second research phase
5. Final presentation development
6. Publication or product artifacts


on Problem-Based Learning, the problem is presented openly (open-ended situations and problem). Knowledge in the form of contingent and constructed.

The role of students is as active participants and inventors and have their own learning experience, while the role of the teacher is to provide the opportunity for the students to learn

Learning activities focus on developing strategies to facilitate teams and learning. [1]


Both Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning affect students' CREATIVITY and CRITICAL THINKING. [1]


1. Anazifa, R. D., & Djukri, D. (2017). Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning: Are They Effective to Improve Student's Thinking Skills?. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia6(2), 346-355.

2. Chen, C. H., & Yang, Y. C. (2019). Revisiting the effects of project-based learning on students’ academic achievement: A meta-analysis investigating moderators. Educational Research Review26, 71-81.

3. Kokotsaki, D., Menzies, V., & Wiggins, A. (2016). Project-based learning: A review of the literature. Improving Schools, 19(3), 267–277.

4. Khoiri, W., Rochmad, R., & Cahyono, A. N. (2013). Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 2(1), 25-30.

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