Tuesday 6 March 2018

An Evidence Based Learning made REALity

Assalamualaikum wbt and Hello everyone.


Yes I previously heard about Tracker and credit to Prof. Dr. Rosly Jaafar from Phykir UPSi Lab who introduced me with Tracker. An app which helps Educators n Learner to a better understanding in Physics.

Recently in my extended Linear motion class, my students n I are Experimenting five subtopics in Linear Motion namely:

1. Elastic Collison
2. Inelastic Collision
3. Explosion
4. Gravitational Force
5. Impulsive Force

Experiment done in groups (A, B, C, D, E and F) n students were asked to do next experiment once each exp. done. Their task is to complete all the exp. n take a video in 2-3s duration respectively.

Next. They need to send all five videos of each group to my Telegram account. And from there, the videos will downloaded for Tracker. (Analysis of the video by Tracker will be discuss later)

Students are also required to sign up to https://app.schoology.com/ for learning Physics through their handphones (check entry about schoology later) The group is called
TCS Physics Band of Sisters 💜

And lastly as a conclusion, each of the group needs to gather their information (in a form of mind map) based on sub topic in Linear Motion and present it to the class respectively.




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